Unlocking the Power of Open-Ended Questions
People Potential Greg Nunes People Potential Greg Nunes

Unlocking the Power of Open-Ended Questions

Too many times we see sales people solely ask closed-ended questions.  Questions that provide the prospect or customer an easy-way out by simply answering “yes” or ”no”.

Instead, one of the most powerful tools in a salesperson's arsenal is the open-ended question. When meeting with prospects or customers, using open-ended questions can make a significant difference in the outcome of the conversation and, ultimately, the success of the sale.

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Remote Selling - The new normal
Strategy and Adoption, People Potential Greg Nunes Strategy and Adoption, People Potential Greg Nunes

Remote Selling - The new normal

Face to face selling in a B2B world has been the cornerstone of opportunity development for revenue retention and growth. Sure, online and telesales have steadily increased as a sales channel but pandemic and recessionary influences have accelerated a paradigm shift to the point where the new normal is bringing the decline of face to face customer interactions and the rise of remote selling. According to recent research from McKinsey two-thirds of buyers prefer remote interactions with suppliers.

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